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Coffee and drinks

Coffee and drinks

Virši coffee robot

Virši coffee robot

Freshly roasted Virši coffee is now available at the shopping centre Spice!

And it will be prepared and served to you by the Virši coffee robot, which can make not only coffee, but more than 20 different drinks for both big and small. And it does it with love.

Meet the robot on the 2nd floor of the shopping centre Spice by the elevator.

Virši coffee

Virši coffee

100% Arabica coffee beans that are freshly roasted here in Latvia and delivered to our service stations at least once every 30 days. Yes, that is how fresh Virši coffee is. Stop by, enjoy and experience the excellent taste!

Cold coffee

Cool and perfect for any weather, on the road or at home! Doers don’t wait for energy, they take care of it themselves! A refreshing cold brew coffee drink with a soft flavour and balanced aroma, the right energy boost anytime, anywhere.