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Set for children

Learn new things on the go and have fun with your family!

New sets for children are available at all Virši stations!


  • The sets are created to give small doers a choice between enjoying a Virši chocolate drink in the cold months, an ice cream or treat in the summer, or a Tuta juice.
  • The set includes educational tasks to solve in your free time or on the go, reflective badge with rare and protected animals in Latvia for autumn!

Learn about road safety together with the natural treasures of Latvia and Virši! Be Visible, be Aware and be Careful on the road!

European roller about crossing the road (LV)

Common dormouse about road safety (LV)

White-tailed eagle about being aware on the road (LV)

Learn about the natural treasures in Latvia!

There are animals in Latvia that you may not have heard about, and those who get to see them can consider themselves lucky. Some species are very rare or have last been seen a long time ago. Maybe you will be lucky enough to see one of these animals? Get to know each of them by listening to the stories below!
Listen on Spotify here
Learn about the natural treasures in Latvia!

Northern crested newt (LV)

Flying squirrel (LV)

Eurasian hoopoe (LV)

Little evening bat (LV)

Fire-bellied toad (LV)

Great raft spider (LV)

Great stag beetle (LV)

Small emperor moth (LV)

European pond terrapin (LV)

Common dormouse (LV)

European roller (LV)

White-tailed eagle (LV)

Noble crayfish (LV)

Porpoise (LV)

Stock dove (LV)

Sand lizard (LV)