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Trailer rental
For your vehicle

Trailer rental


The trailers can be rented at all Virši fuel stations throughout Latvia. please check the availability of trailers in advance by calling the specific station!


Piekabju nomas cenas

  • Two-axle covered trailers are available at Balvi, Jugla, Lubāna, Olaine fuel stations;
  • Two-axle trailers – car carriers available at Ādaži, Krustpils, Liepāja, Lubāna, Mārupe, Olaine, Rēzekne, Salaspils, Ventspils stations;
  • Single-axle trailers are available at Alūksne, Arkādijs, Asni, Ādaži, Babīte, Baloži, Balvi, Brocēni, Cēsis, Cēsis Saulrīti, Daugavgrīva, Dzelmes, Gaisma, Gulbene, Ilgas, Jēkabpils, Jugla, Kandava, Kārsava, Krustpils, Ķekava, Liepāja, Lubāna, Ludza, Madona, Mālpils, Mārupe, Ogre, Pērnava, Pļaviņas, Pūre, Ragana, Rumbula, Salaspils, Sarkandaugava, Sērene, Skrīveri, Smiltene, Tukums, Tukums-Valdaiši, Valka, Valle, Ventspils stations.


Note that the trailer must be returned to the same station where it was rented.

To rent a trailer, you need to pay a security deposit – EUR 30 for a single-axle trailer, and EUR 50 for a two-axle trailer.

The security deposit must be paid in cash.