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We do good well!

Virši and SOS Children's Villages have started cooperation with a common goal - to provide support to families and children in difficulties, so that with the help of SOS Children's Villages every child is provided with equal opportunities to experience a family and supportive environment.

The initiative is based on providing assistance through the advantages of a network of filling stations, reaching out and informing the company’s stakeholders and the public about the topicality of the issue. The Company supported the Association’s activities with donations to help cover the operating and transport costs of the SOS Children’s Villages in 2023.
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We do good well!
Virši invites you to do good

Virši invites you to do good

Virši supports the activity of SOS Children's Villages and invites you to join, so that SOS Children's Villages have the opportunity to continue doing what they started - to create safe and favorable conditions for children's development.


“We want to support families in need so that through SOS Children’s Villages every child has an equal opportunity to experience a family-like and supportive environment, which is one of the most important developmental stages for each of us. We invite everyone to get involved and support our initiative so that the challenges of this time do not stop SOS Children’s Villages from continuing to do what has been started – to help children without biological parents to receive love, be safe, socialise and learn,” says Jānis Vība, Chairman of the Board at Virši.

SOS Children`s Villages

SOS Children`s Villages

SOS Children's Villages Latvia is a charity organization that has been developing and supporting SOS families since 1997, for children who have been left without their parental care, as well it keeps helping families in crisis situations in SOS family support centers. Since 2018 we also support foster and adoptive families and guardians in SOS out-of-family-care Support centers. 

SOS Children's Villages provide support for children, young people and families in various life situations

SOS Children's Villages provide support for children, young people and families in various life situations

In order to take care of children and families in difficulties, within the Latvian SOS Association of Children's Villages, various programs operate, social services are provided and support projects are implemented.

Donate in special donation boxes at Viršu service stations or connect a monthly donation!

Special donation boxes are available at all full-service Viršu service stations, where collected donations go to SOS Children's Villages.

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How else can you help?

To help build a better future for all the children of SOS Children's Villages, all you need is the desire to do it and the opportunities will be there - by donating your time, knowledge, experience, ideas and contacts. It is important to realize that you can help and do good in many different ways.  
More about types of support