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  • Diversified business model
    Represented business segments: transport energy, convenience store chain, electricity
  • Strong financial performance
    Strong Financial Performance: Goal to Reach €23.4M EBITDA and €12.6M Net Profit by 2027 
  • Dividends up to 20% of the company's consolidated profit
    For information about Virši dividend policy, please refer to the Documents section - Policies and Codes
  • Shareholder loyalty programme
    A unique loyalty programme with great benefits

An impressive story of growth


Story of growth of Virši


Shareholder loyalty programme

Find out more about what's going on in the company in addition to the official statements.

Join the loyalty programme, receive information about the development of the company, rewarding discounts at Virši stores and free seasonal benefits.


Virši is a dynamic company with diverse strategic lines of business, each with an exciting range of products. The loyalty programme gives you the opportunity to see and learn more about the development of the company and our products.

Investor relations

Investor relations

After becoming a publicly traded company, we have put extra emphasis on communication and relations with our shareholders. In 2023, we received the Nasdaq Baltic Award for the Best Investor Relations on First North stock market, which is evidence of the company's achievements in transparency, good corporate governance and investor relations.


On 22 November 2023, we visited the Nasdaq MarketSite studios in New York to attend the Closing Bell Ceremony in Times Square in New York.

Nasdaq Baltic Awards 2023

ISO 9001:2015 certificate

An international standard for quality management systems, one of the best-known standards in the world. The purpose of a quality management system is to ensure continuous improvement of processes and products aimed to boost customer satisfaction and company efficiency.

ISO 50001:2018 certificate

An international standard for energy management systems to certify sustainable and efficient energy management in the company. The certificate is valid for 3 years, and to keep it, the company undergoes regular assessment audits to ensure continuous adherence to the standard.

ISO 14001:2015 certificate

An international standard for environmental management systems, which is aimed at sustainable use of natural resources, environmental risk management and the environmental impact reduction. The certificate confirms that the company has effective environmental management.